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Nick Sorensen, Jesse PayneDiesel Technology

Nick & Jesse are both working full-time at Carter Machinery

"We have had an excellent experience with everyone from Bridging & RCC and can't thank you enough for what Culinary class and Chef Marquis have done for us. We believe she's going to miss Chef more than her peers! He's down to earth with Autumn, approaches her at a level she respects, and allows her the creativity her personality desires while still managing to teach and guide her in a positive manner. If there's ever a need for a parental spokesperson for the program, please let us know. We'd be happy to sing your praises!" (Jan. 2019)

- Tamara McMeechan, Parent of Culinary student

Justin BosticDiesel Technology

Justin is working full time at Bay Diesel as a generator Tech

"I first became interested in the Criminal Justice program during my freshman year of high school. I had many doubts whether I’d be able to go for it, but I went for it anyway. The criminal justice program helped me shape the way for where I want to go in the future. After completing the 2 year program and graduating high school I started college at J. Sargent Reynolds Community College and I am majoring in Administration of Justice. The program at BC was extremely helpful because some ADJ classes I don’t have to take due to having the credits done. When I started my criminal justice classes I came into my classes already knowing most information which was great because I could answer questions without having the fear of being wrong. I have also had the opportunity to complete several ride-alongs with different counties in the area for extra credit assignments. I am definitely glad that when I saw the opportunity to try something different that I took it and tried the best I could." (Feb. 2020)

"Thanks for all you do Dalton so glad you helped me pave my path to where I am going." 

-Morgan Bowman, Criminal Justice


"Capt. Roane, I'd like to start off by thanking you for straightening me up junior year. You have taught me tons of great information that I will use in every-day life." (2019)

- Will Mathews, Engineering

"Dalton, Thank you cause with your advice I finished my first college semester with honors!!!!!!!!" (Feb. 2019)

- Jordan Hathaway,  Criminal Justice

Preston Upshaw, Mr. DaltonCriminal Justice
Preston is now a Student Resource Office for New Kent County Sheriff's Department

Recruiting video featuring Preston when he was working for Henrico County Sheriff's Office as a Jailer

Nina HuggettCulinary Arts

"I attended the culinary portion of Bridging Communities and I loved it. It led me to my current school The Culinary Institute of America in New York where I am pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Hospitality Management. If I would have never taken the culinary class in high school I would never have found my passion in the hospitality industry. My Chef at the time pushed me to be the best and it paid off. He gave me so many opportunities to push myself and participate in real life events and that paid off. During my time in his class he had us compete in a Prostart competition with other schools and my team placed and I won a scholarship to the CIA.  I can say with 100% certainty that the Culinary Arts program at Bridging Communities changed my life. 

My advice for current students is to take every opportunity that they can. If their instructor offers them a chance at something than they should take it and appreciate it because in the real world those opportunities don't present themselves." (Oct. 2019)

-Nina Huggett, Culinary Arts

'I am attending college right now and in my second year of community college at Rappahannock Community College. I am attending college with plans to transfer to VCU after this spring semester to wrap up my college time and degree. I also work for the state as a student ambassador for RCC, which the job is well and the ambassadors do a variety of tasks at the campus. 

My advice for the students would be to be prepared for college and my classes at Bridging were good preparation for the pace at RCC and just college in general. I would also recommend the students to consider community college if your not sure of what to do after high school, I know it helped me find the degree that fitted me at RCC and VCU." (Oct. 2019)

-Eric Lucy, Coding

"I have nothing but wonderful things to say about Bridging Communities. The Nurse aide program has prepared me for some of my college courses. I was surprised my first semester of taking anatomy and physiology and actually knowing some of the things we were talking about. I currently work at Riverside Tappahannock Hospital as a CNA and I attend Rappahannock Community College Associate degree nursing program and will graduate the spring of 2021. I would like to let current students know take advantage of all the opportunities they are given now. If students  plan on going to RCC start taking summer classes it’ll make your first semester so much easier." (Oct. 2019)

-Breyona Harvey, Nurse Aide

"My name is Logan Houston and I graduated the Bridging Communities Criminal Justice Program in 2018. Since then, I obtained my associates degree in Criminal Justice within two semesters of graduating high school.  In July of 2019, I was hired by the Henrico County Sheriff’s Office as a jailor. I am currently attending the academy and graduating in the middle of March. Without this program and the support of Mr. Dalton, I would not be in the position I am in now. I would recommend this program and school to anyone who wants to determine what they want to do in the future. These programs that Bridging Communities offers give a great head start college while still in high school." (Feb. 2020)

-Logan Houston, Criminal Justice

"It’s been almost two years since I graduated and went from being a student in the Bridging Communities program to an alumni . And even now as a sophomore in college I still use and value what I learned while I was there. I believe my involvement in the program prepared me for college in ways that high school didn’t. Having taken classes in the major I was choosing to go to college for made me a much more attractive candidate to the universities I applied to. Not only did the class help me to be accepted into VCU but I also felt more familiar with the material I was learning about when I got there. In addition to looking great on college applications the program also offered multiple scholarships; these scholarships were great help to a student just starting out! 

The main thing that really made this program great was the teacher; Mr. Dalton was probably the most influential teacher I had going through school. He went the extra mile to teach us and ensure our success and always encouraged us to perform to our highest potential. I think his knowledge and encouragement really helped prepare us all to further our education or enter the job field. Ultimately I feel extremely fortunate to have had this experience and believe that being a student in the Bridging Communities program helped tremendously to get me where I am." (Feb. 2020)

-Julia Duszynski, Criminal Justice


"I am in my last semester at J. Sargent Reynolds and still am deciding where I will transfer next semester. I will finish with my Associates in Engineering. I know Captain Roane has retired, but his class helped me tremendously. He did a great job on introducing me to what engineering would be like and prepared me well for college." (Oct. 2019)

-Shawn Cousins, Engineering

"I am currently working on my Junior level mechanical engineering courses at Old Dominion University. I will hopefully be pursing a Masters Degree in fluid dynamics once I graduate. Tips I would give to new students is to stay in a math class while in all four years of high school and develop good study habits." (Oct. 2019)

-Carter Lamb, Engineering

Pictured: Mr. Dalton, Tyler AnthonyCriminal Justice

Tyler graduated from the Police Academy Sept 2019 and is currently with the Ashland  Police Department


"I will graduate in 3 years instead of 4 due to the courses I took from Bridging Communities" 

(July 2018)

- Tristen Sumner, Coding


"Upon leaving Bridging Communities in 2015. I received my CNA and currently work at Memorial Regional Medical Center. I went back to RCC and received my LPN In 2018 and am now on the last stop, still with RCC, receiving my RN/ADN by May 2020. Bridging Communities was great not only was it an extra curricular that brought friends but it helped me discover my nursing degree path I wanted to take in my future. Things I learned in the Nurse Aide program I still carry with me today (such as skills, college test taking, and even knowledge taught in class that I can relate to my current studies). Being with Bridging Communities opened my doors for me at RCC. It was nice to have a career out of high school knowing I could get a job anywhere!" (Oct. 2019)

-Samantha Otey, Nurse Aide

Samantha OteyNurse Aide
Trooper Storm ColemanCriminal Justice

After graduation Storm entered the Army. He then went to the police academy and became a Richmond Police Officer. 

In Nov. 2019 Storm graduated from the VA State Police Lateral Academy and is now a VA State Trooper

"Bridging Communities helped me learn that I wanted to work in programming, and gave me a head start into a computer science degree from VCU. Now I work at Capital One as a software developer and get to learn more every day about the latest technologies in the field." (Sept. 2019)

- Bobby Best, Coding 

"Love my job, school did right by me" (June 2016)

- Matthew Walsh, HVAC 


Teoni Lewis, Benjamin RubertCriminal Justice